Build on Graphite

Ethereum-compatible VM will make the transition of your project onto GRAPHITE a child’s play. Learn how to interact with Graphite and get all resources needed to help you get started.
Graphite Developers Logo
Graphite Developers

Why build on Graphite?

Graphite is the first reputation-based blockchain, where developers can make a passive income directly from the network as entry-point nodes. With easy contract deployment and a high TPS, you can scale your project in no time.

Launch your own reputation-based smart contract or step into the role of an entry point node and start earning as the network grows. You determine the limits of what can be done on Graphite.

  • Node income
  • EVM compatibility
  • Speed
  • Security
  • Scalability
  • Plain fees

Resources & Learning

Graphite network is EVM-compatible so all previous experience with Solidity can be applied to our new infrastructure. Check our Developer docs to get started and see why Graphite is the perfect place to start building.
Graphite Explorer

The Graphite Explorer

We’ve created the Graphite Explorer and reinforced it with an API to empower developers with direct access to blockchain data via common GET/POST requests.

Learn everything you need about blocks, transactions, fees, and more.

Graphite Wallet

Graphite Wallet is an extension for accessing decisive Graphite Network features and apps on Ethereum-compatible chains in your Chrome browser. Designed for an all-purpose Web3 interaction experience.
Graphite Wallet Browser Extension
Graphite Wallet Extension

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